MIL 50000-Cryogenic

MIL 50000-Cryogenic

MIL 50000-Cryogenic Control Valve


  • Extended body construction: This ensures that stuffing box is as far away as possible from the fluid flow area so as to prevent freezing of the packing.
  • Zig – Zag flow path: Minimizes body size to reduce heat in-leak thus preventing loss of energy from the fluid.
  • Heavy guided extended tubular plug: The plug is guided heavily along the body wall close to the seating area ensuring plug stability despite the extended plug. Tubular construction again minimizes heat in-leak

Technical Specifications

  • Standard sizes & rating
    1/2” to 4”: ASME 150# to ASME 2500#
  • Seat leakage class (as per FCI 70.2)
    Standard: Class IV
    Optional: Class V & Class VI

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