Reverse Rupture Disc

Reverse Rupture Disc

Reverse Rupture Disc


Reverse Dome Knife Type
It is used with installation on FDC standard holder
Reversal structure ruptured by knife blade attached upper holder while dome is inverted


Reverse Dome Shear Type
It is used with installation on FDC standard holder
It is integrated with Disc and Knife
Shearing structure ruptured by knife ring attached to disc while dome is inverted


Reverse Dome Buckling Knife Type
It is used with installation on FDC standard holder
It consists of Control Disc and Seal Disc
Ruptured while dome is sheared by Knife of Control Disc


Reverse Dome Scored Type
It is used with installation on FDC standard holder
Carved structure ruptured while inverted along with Scored Line processed precisely

We supply these reverse type rupture discs in India, Middle East, Singapore and Malaysia.

Refer Download

Below listed are the related files that can be downloaded to you PC. All the files are in PDF format.