Unstable Detonation Flame Arrester

Unstable Detonation Flame Arrester

Unstable Detonation Flame Arrester

Elmac Technologies® can supply unstable* detonation flame arresters, equipped with replaceable elements, and suitable for a wide variety of industries and applications.

We supply these detonation flame arrester to India, Middle East, Singapore and Malaysia.

Unstable Detonation Flame Arrester

The table below details explosion group suitability, as well as the connection sizes available. Click the arrester image for detailed product information for each series.

Series Explosion Group
Size Range
Nominal Bore
Operating Limits Features


Group D (MESG > 0.9 mm)
15mm – 300mm

1/2″ – 12″

-20°C – +60°C

-4°F – +140°F

Short-Time-Burn Capability
E-Flowâ„¢ Technology
HEDSâ„¢ Technology
Extensive Options List


Group D, Group C (MESG ≥ 0.65)
15mm – 200mm

1/2″ – 8″

-20°C – +60°C

-4°F – +140°F

Removable Elements
Extensive Options List

* Elmac’s Policy on Stable Detonation Arresters

Elmac Technologies has a clear policy on stable detonation arresters.

In summary it concludes:

  • Unstable detonations are much more destructive events than stable detonations
  • The location of unstable detonations cannot be predicted with any certainty
  • A stable detonation may undergo sudden transition to an unstable detonation
  • It follows that use of a stable detonation arrester in isolation is not sufficient to protect a system from transmission of a flame and exposes the user to significant risk.
  • In any system where detonation events are a possibility, an appropriately designed and tested unstable detonation arrester device should be fitted.

Below listed are the related files that can be downloaded to you PC. All the files are in PDF format.

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